Objectives of The School of Post Graduate Studies
Develop and offer academic and professional programmes leading to the award of certificates, diplomas, first degrees, postgraduate and higher degrees which emphasize planning, adaptive, technical, maintenance, development, horizontal, and productive skills in the engineering, scientific, agricultural, environmental, management, medical and allied professional disciplines;
Act as agents and catalysts, through postgraduate research and training for the most efficient, effective and economic utilization, exploitation and conservation, of the country’s natural, economic and human resources;
Offer to the general population, as a form of public services the results of research and foster the practical applications of these results;
Identify technological problems and needs of the society relevant to the immediate localities of the University and solve them within the context of national needs;
Provide and promote sound basic scientific training reflecting indigenous culture and enhancing national unity, while at the same time ensuring the production of socially matured citizens.